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Raccoon Removal In Belton, Mo

Young Raccoon looking for food

Raccoon Removal Services in Cass County, Mo.

Raccoons are destructive and can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Homes owners have the most trouble with raccoons during the winter months when these critters want to break in to your home and take up un-wanted residency in your warm attic! Raccoons will tear through roofs to gain access to a comfy new home and may not ever move out on their own. If you are hearing thuds in your attic and heavy scratching on your ceilings you may be living with raccoons.

Living with Raccoons in your attic is not easy to do. They are loud and nocturnal critters that make a lot of noise at night when you are trying to sleep. These animals should be removed from your attic or property by a licensed professional. Momma raccoons can seek shelter in the protection of your attic to give birth to young. Removing the mother from her young will make it unlikely the young will be able to survive.


Call or Contact Us if you are in need of us to inspect your roof and attic for signs of raccoons that need removed in Cass County, Mo and surrounding areas. 

Nuisance Raccoon Problems


Raccoons can climb onto roofs and squeeze through holes they chew to get in to attics. They will commonly chew and tear through wood that has some rot to it. Once they get inside, they will can cause significant damage to your attic by chewing, scratching and leaving their urine and feces. In most cases it is a female raccoon entering your attic to give birth and care for her babies. 


The time of year that you look to remove raccoons from your attic will determine the method used. If there is a female raccoon you should take additional precaution due to being additionally aggressive during birthing season. 


Trapping raccoons can sometimes be challenging depending on where they are accessing your home. There are many different trapping options to effectively removal the raccoon and prevent it or any other raccoons from coming back and entering your home. It is important when removing a raccoon from your property to use caution as these animals can carry diseases. 


When you are dealing with a raccoon in your attic you should seek the help from a professional. Dealing with these animals takes knowledge of the animals and the correct traps to remove them humanely. Please remember, raccoons can be aggressive so do not approach them. 


Call Us and we will come to your property and inspect for all entry points. Once we know where these animals are entering your property, we can evaluate the correct trapping method to removal all unwanted raccoon. Repairing the spot used for the raccoons to enter your home should be solid and secure as the smell left behind from the first intruders can help other neighboring raccoons find it.


To learn more about Raccoon Control from the MDC, see what they have to say about raccoon exclusion and raccoon trapping, by click here. 

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