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Two bats roosting in attic rafters. Bats will roost in attics during the summer months.

Bat Removal & Prevention Services in Kansas City and Surrounding Areas

Bats living in your home can cause a lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety. Although bats are scary and carry a lot of diseases, our world needs them. It is important to contact a professional in bat exclusion when you have bats in your home to safely remove bats using an exclusion process, where bats will be able to leave your home and not be able to return. 

Bats can access your home and attic through a hole the size of the tip of your finger. Due to bats being able to squeeze in to tiny holes, they commonly use attics and soffits to shelter themselves from outside elements. 

If you have an older home of even a brand new home, it is wise to make sure all edges of your home and roof are sealed correctly to prevent any unwanted critters from gaining access to the inside of your home. A lot of our customers start to notice bat guano outside their residence, on top of their roofs, after turning on the attic fan... All of which is common if your home has not been bat proofed. We are able to inspect the entire exterior of your home, attic and roof for bat entry points, removal all bats from your home and ensure they are not able to return again. 
Bats can live in your attic unnoticed for years. Most commonly, home owners learn of these unwanted pest living in their attic after a heavy rain washes their droppings down your gutters and the guano piles up at the exit of your downspouts or on a cool summer night and decide to turn on the attic fan and a bat falls inside the home or even through your walls and or hvac ducts! If you have experienced a recent issue with bats inside your home, Calls Us and we will come out to inspect your attic and roof for any signs of bats entering your home. All Seasons Wildlife Removal offers professional Bat Removal services in the Greater Kansas City Metro Area.

More common issues with Bats in homes and attics

When a bat enters your home, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost you do not want a bat to be able to enter your primary living spaces. If a bat has made its way inside your home and is roaming freely in your living spaces, you must make sure this bat is removed to prevent the spread of diseases. Second you must figure out how the bat actually got in to your home. Most of the times bats will enter your attic through small gaps in your roof, fascia boards, builder gaps under soffits, around a chimney or through gaps in your siding. Third, Do Not Panic. All Seasons Wildlife Removal is professionally trained to inspect, diagnose and prevent ongoing issues with bats. 


Whether you need a single bat removed from your home or a colony of bats removed from your attic, All Seasons Wildlife Removal specialises in bat exclusions and bat prevention. Once all bats have been removed from your home we will Bat Proof your home so you can rest easy knowing you will not wake up next to a bat again. 

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